6 Cute Pets that Will Make You Want to House Sit

We’ve been living well for less in Costa Rica, house sitting in the mountains surrounding San Jose. One of the best things about this house sit has been the animals: 10 dogs and a cat. It sure is a lot of animals to look after, but we’ve loved it. If you follow me on Facebook, you will have seen some of these cute pets before.
The smallest dog in the pack is Ridgie. We’ve recently been nursing Ridgie back to health as whilst we were away we was hit by a car and underwent four major operations on his back legs. He’s still learning to walk again.
It’s not easy being the only cat in a pack of ten dogs, but Max holds his own and looks cute and fluffy whilst doing it.
Remember this suitcase that I packed for our indefinite travel adventure when I left the UK in May? Now Molly sleeps in there every night.
Banjoe is a lovable oaf who is more silly than he is cute. He always wants to play with anyone – dogs, cats and humans – but can actually knock both of us down and everything around the house too!
This podgy little dog is named Rayo, which means lightening in Spanish. Rayo is the slowest dog I’ve ever seen, but maybe his name refers to his eating speed!. He’s also the only dog who has an armchair all to himself.
Randy was still a street dog when we arrived here. After spending a lot of time encouraging him to come closer to us and to the house and leaving food at the bottom of the driveway for him, he eventually let me stroke him.
I also unintentionally chose his name. He has similar facial expressions to a kid I used to know, so I started calling him by the same name and he started responding to it, so it stuck.
All of the dogs in the this house sit are allowed to roam free, exploring the jungle and running around all day. They are never locked inside and never put on a lead. It’s a completely different way of keeping pets compared to the UK and it creates a nice atmosphere in the home, where animals can come and go as they please.
How cute are these six pets we’ve been looking after? Have you ever looked after any gorgeous animals?
Omg Ridgie and Molly! They are the cutest!!! The cutest we looked after was a boxer, I was so sad when we had to give him back :(
Charlie on Travel
I know right! Molly is my total fave because she is so sleepy and chubby. Aaw, I’ll be sad to leave these guys… Though we’ll be back in November, so it’s not really goodbye!
If you think you’re going to coax me into choosing who is the cutest, I won’t be tricked! It’s too difficult.
Charlie on Travel
Haha, you’re funny! I try not to have favourites….! :p
I would love to be a pet sitter for Molly. As Molly is absolutely adorable.
Charlie on Travel
She is so adorable!
Oh god, I can’t handle that much cuteness! I bet Maxy is actually the secret leader of the pack and has all the dogs wrapped around his little paw.
Charlie on Travel
Haha! Maxy holds his own for sure!!