Make Your Own Peanut Butter in Guatemala
Ever wanted to learn to make your own peanut butter? If you really want to see how to make natural, organic peanut butter in Guatemala, then you’re in luck. We met Lidia, a local Guatemalan who makes her own peanut butter from scratch. And I mean from scratch. And fortunately for us, they run a peanut butter workshop so you can learn how they do it.
Lidia told us that her family is one of only eight families in Antigua who farm peanuts. And her family are the only ones to make peanut butter! She said that the more people there are selling peanuts, the lower the price of peanuts get. If you can find something new or different to do, then you can get a better price for your peanuts. Her family have been making peanut butter for four years now.